I fucking loved this story, but it does not belong in the relationships and romance sections. It forces him into a constant sort of high.

It induces a sort of manic euphoria that makes it hard for Andrew to keep focus, or to remain 'down' for too long. its a made up drug and the effects aren't pretty, but they are consistent. Suspend your disbelief about Andrew's drugs. This is their second chance, their third, fourth it doesn't matter, as long as its one chance more than what the rest of society has given them. Each one has a past and each one has suffered for it, it's what makes them Foxes in the first place. If you've ever been down on your luck, if you've ever had possibly the worst moments of your life happening all at once and leaving you at your version of rock bottom, you'll connect and fall in love with these characters.

Despite all of the warnings, it is an amazing series. Trigger warnings pertaining to Rape, Torture, Drug and Alcohol abuse, and a couple more (Like seriously, on Tumblr there is an entire list of warnings that might keep you from reading the books) 3. This series, maybe not book 1, but definitely 2 and 3, should have a lot of warnings in them. That's more on book 3 though, so read at your own risk and know what you're getting into. There isn't anything porny, but they do end up doing things. Two of the main characters end up in a 'relationship'. On that note, I've got some warnings to pass out to those of you on the fence about this series. As someone who has owned the physical and kindle books for a good 5 or so years now, I'm going to say this: I've been waiting for the audio versions for so very long that this sorta feels like a dream.