Then there's the aforementioned powers explosion, expansion, triplicate… You also have power-ups to help you out if you get stuck. This sounds harder than it actually is, because you get to see a line of how the trajectory will alter before you let the bird fly. There are many levels that require your birds to pass through more than one gravitational field, so you have to get the angle just right. You have to get your trajectory just right to set off a chain reaction - maybe there is a structure in orbit that prevents direct attacks on the pigs, or perhaps firing around the back of a planet will start a domino effect. The fact that most of the planets, planetoids, and moons have their own gravitational fields is the main thing that makes Space so original. Rather than flinging birds at quickly constructed buildings in a horizontal line from your catapult, you have to contend with asteroids, ice asteroids, popcorn, and gravity.

Then across multiple systems and dimensions. In Angry Birds Space, the birds all have the same powers as in the original game (but the yellow one is purple?), and are chasing the pigs across the solar system to get their eggsteroids back. I also know that it's incredibly likely that someone made Crush The Castle But In Space at some point, but I'll be honest it, never came across my screen. It's a genre that I adore ( Angry Birds Journey notwithstanding…), because I like destroying structures in games. I know, I know, Angry Birds was a clone of Crush The Castle, I played that back in the day too. It's been 10 years since Rovio released Angry Birds Space, and despite releasing multiple sequels to many spin-offs, they've never managed to capture the originality again.

Articles // 22nd Mar 2022 - 8 months ago // By Andrew Duncan Angry Birds Space Is Still The Best Spin-Off